Procedure Do the tricks
- Find the near base
- divide into two sections
- left side is cross sum and right side multiplication of two values
- for right side we need to take result number should be equal to the number of zeros in base
For better knowing we will take simple Example
1) Solve 7*8? It is easy for this but in the point of large numbers it is useful
Ans) step by step
- Finding the nearer base
7 near base is 10
8 near base is 10
- Finding the Deviation from Base
7 -3( it comes 10-7= -3)
8 -2 ( it comes 10-8= -2)
- Next step DO the the third step
7 -3
8 -2
Either (7+(-2) or (8+(-3) | multliply -3*-2( take result euqal to num of zeros in base)
5 | 6
So ans is 7*8 = 56
2. Solve 999*996?
- Near Base is 1000
- Finding the Deviation
999 -1
996 -4
- FInd the ans by cross sum and multiplication
999 -1
996 -4
995 | 4( is the right ans but not because num of zeros in base is 3 so we will take 004)
=> 9997 -3
9999 -1
9996 | 3(
So the final answer is 999*996 = 995004
3.Find 9997*9999?
- Near Base is 10000
- Finding the Deviation
9997 -3
9999 -1
- FInd the ans by cross sum and multiplication
=> 9997 -3
9999 -1
9996 | 3( is the right answer but not because num of zeros in the base is 3 so we will take 004)
=> 9997 -3
9999 -1
9996 | 003
So the final ans is 999*996 = 9996003